Planting out
In late May the worst of the cold weather has passed and it's safe to plant out frost-tender plants, such and tomatoes, squashes and peppers. A word of warning though, allotments (and especially those in Duxford, are exposed places and so some shelter from the wind is wise for tender young plants. A temporary screen made from some fine netting set up between them and the prevailing west wind is a good idea. Some old curtain net or an off-cut of greenhouse shading attached to some canes will do the trick.
Late sowings
There's still lots of time to sow a great variety of veg. Broccoli, cabbage, beetroot, carrots, French beans, runner beans, lettuce, rocket, Chinese leaves, spinach, spring onion and chard are all fine to be sown until the end of June. Just because garden centres have been selling well-grown plants since Easter doesn't mean it's too late to sow on the allotment! However, if the weather is very dry you'll need to keep everything well-watered.
The warmer weather unfortunately brings outbreaks of pests, including slugs that have huge appetites and absolutely love young plants. Whilst you can (if very keen) mount dusk or dawn raids to catch slugs, the most practical solution is to use organic slug pellets and replenish them regularly. They get washed away much more quickly than the old (and very toxic) metaldehide "slug death" (that you should longer use) although they look similar.

Duxford allotments
The allotments are owned and managed by Duxford Parish Council and are available to Duxford residents and people who work in the village. There is usually a short waiting list for plots; if you'd like to join it, click the button below.