This page has links to articles or other papers relevant to allotments. We like to be able to back up the content of the website with more detailed factual information; this is where to find it.
Potato blight fact sheet - produced by the Potato Council
Allotment fertility - article about the particular value of allotment and garden soils (Journal of Applied Ecology Apr 2014)
The value of allotments - Opinion article about the value of established allotment sites to the landscape. (The Garden, RHS July 2014)
Wildlife on allotments - information and advice about encouraging/conserving wildlife on allotment sites (Natural England 2007)
Asset of Community Value - A process for registering land or property of value to the community so that the community has an opportunity to bid for it in the event the owner wishes to sell or lease it for another use. Duxford allotments are a designated ACV.
Allotment disposals - the number of allotment plots lost to development 2011 - 13; Department of Communities and Local Government data
Allotment disposal guidance: safeguards and alternatives (2014) - Government guidance on how the legal requirements concerning the disposal (sale or lease) of an allotment site for other purposes (usually developement) must be met by local authorities.
Judgement in the Watford Farm Terrace allotments case (2014) - The full judgement in the case of Moore, Trebar & Wakeling v The Department for Communities and Local Government & Watford Borough Council 31 Oct 2014.
Space for food - Government guide for people looking for land to grow their own food and unable to rent an allotment (Department for Communities and Local Government 2012)
Duxford allotment history - chronology of the Moorfield Rd allotment site 1906 to present
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - Section 7 deals with allotment provision in Scotland
Social, health and wellbeing benefits of allotments - Study of five allotment sites in Newcastle (Global Urban Research Unit, Newcastle University, 2012)
Health benefits of urban allotment gardening - Study of perceived health benefits of allotment gardening (Japan)
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017)